United States New Jersey driver's license

USA New Jersey DL United States New Jersey driver's license/driver's license PS/PSD template (V2)

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A New Jersey driver's license is like a passport, except that the place you pass is traffic jam!Obtaining this driver's license is equivalent to obtaining the qualification of an urban congestion expert.You may be left with a depressed look in the photo, because the red light is always red.If you dream of driving fast in New Jersey, then stop dreaming. At most, it will be difficult to drive even an inch.However, there is one big advantage on New Jersey’s driver’s license: there is a pizza coupon on the back. Every time you are stuck in traffic, you can order a pizza to your heart’s content, because New Jersey’s traffic jams are as famous as pizza!

USA New Jersey DL United States New Jersey driver's license/driver's license PS/PSD template (V2)

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